Q: Why is every dropped item showing up on the item alert?Ī: Solution here. It is not supported and probably never will be. Q: How can I use my favorite plugins with the DirectX 9/x86 version of HUD?Ī: You can't. You can change this to a preload alert in the preload alert menu by disabling the 'corrupted title' option. By default, areas with corrupted side zones have the area title color change to a pink-ish/purple-ish color. Q: Why don't I ever see a preload alert for a vaal corrupted side zone even when I reset an area several times?Ī: You're probably not looking in the right place. Currently they rely on users adding them manually ( see this post). Q: Why don't I have preload alerts or proximity alerts for Bestiary mobs?Ī: They haven't been added.
If anyone would like theirs added or removed from this list, send a PM and I'll do so. NET Framework v.4.6 or newer (you already have it on Windows 8+) I'd also suggest running hud with a path that doesn't contain 'poehud', and compiling hud yourself and renaming the project so that the 'Original exe name' isn't PoEHUD.exe. If you absolutely need to play with hud and don't mind getting banned, you can try running poe as a limited user. CURRENTLY DETECTED - USING THIS WILL LIKELY RESULT IN A BAN